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Life is full. I get it.

I don’t say I am busy anymore. I don’t like that… because everyone says they are busy. We wear our busyness like a merit badge. I don’t think that our busyness is something we should be proud of. However, getting the most out of life is the call of every Christian. We must work hard, play hard and live our life out loud for Jesus.

When you have a lot to do, here is a great plan of attack:

  1. Evaluate why you are doing all you are doing. There are probably some things that you are doing because you feel guilty or are trying to please others. Make sure what you are doing is pleasing to the Lord.
  2. Write everything down. Sometimes the best therapy for the overloaded life is to see it all on paper and get it out of your head.
  3. Highlight and/or prioritize. I use different colors to mark what is more important than other things. Then I will even rate them as 1 to 26 (or whatever) with importance.
  4. Estimate your time to get them done, or to the next major milestone. Time estimating can help you really understand what is in front of you. If something is more than 4 hours, break it into 4-hour chunks at the most. So for me, if  a sermon is 16 hours, I will write down: 4h, 4h, 4h, 4h.
  5. Then schedule your time blocksBy scheduling them out, I begin to let the anxiety out of life like air out of a balloon.

“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”—Psalm 90:12 ESV


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