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How To Give Your Family More Than Your Leftovers


This morning my mom called. She is sweet and always has a way of sharing truth in love. After we caught up on life a bit, she said, “I need to say something to you, but please hear me out…” I knew right then there was something in my life I’d done wrong—and I had a feeling it was probably...

If We Wait Long Enough, Will Change Just Go Away?


The church where I serve, Grace Chapel, has experienced a lot of changes over the last few years. Whether by policy changes, process changes or pastoral changes, we have had many things adjust around us. When these changes happen, they can be unsettling, worrisome and emotionally draining. There comes a point when we want change to stop, so we ask...

God-Dependant Boldness


My brother said to me recently, “Don’t be afraid to try something you are not ready for, because it will most certainly grow your dependence upon God.” He was right – comfort can often lead to stagnant faith. Time and again the Bible tells stories of men and women who had to try something that stretched them in order to...

Why I Switched All My Writing to Ulysses


I have been looking for a new way to write. I first learned to write on an old computer in the basement of the home I grew up in. Focusing on writing was easy because the tools were minimal. There was no need to learn what all the buttons did because there were not many buttons. Shortcuts and key cues...

How to write good content daily: 1000 words by 10:00 AM


A few days ago I had a conversation with my writer and editor friend about the pace at which I can write in order to stay productive towards my calling to author material. At one point in the conversation he asked “how many word today do you think you can write?" Little did he know that I'd been contemplating...

Unraveling the Confusion Around Church Ministry


Many people today claim to be Christians but are not on mission for God. They attend church as if it is a social activity. Sadly, the church has moved into entertaining Christians, rather than mobilizing Christ followers to fulfill God’s designed purpose for their lives. This has happened for several reasons: We have a lost view of the biblical purpose of ministry. We...

7 Essential Ways I Balance Work and Family


As a leader and pastor, one of my greatest struggles to is balancing time between work and family.  Everyday this is under attack as the demands of the urgent things in my life try to eclipse the important. In order to ensure that I am staying balanced, below I have listed 7 disciplines I maintain regularly. Ways I Am Maintaining...

Is Your Criticism Having the Opposite Effect You Hoped For?


Some of the kindest people in my life have said the hardest things. They hoped to cause a change, but instead caused grief. Maybe you have felt this way too. Whether it was a family member, mentor, boss or loved one—they say something to “Help” but they only cause hurt. Even if their words are true, their tone seemed...

No One Admires Busy, Right?


I hate that the main characteristics of my life is that I am so busy. If you ask an of my friends or acquaintances what they would say about me, I am sure that 9 out of 10 of them would say is that “he is so busy”. How dreadful is it that when I am talking to someone and...

“Touch Base Weekly” – A Way to Check Up On Your Staff Without Overwhelming Them


When I served as the Associate Pastor for a large church I needed a way to connect with all my staff each week. In the same way, not that I am leading a smaller church, I want to ensure my staff feel cared for. Therefore I created a simple email process I refer to as "Touch Base Weekly." It...

This Could Be Your Greatest Year Yet


I've always considered a new year as a fresh start. A time to right what I did wrong and place something new where something needs to be replaced. For mosts of my adult years (if not also in my elementary ones) I've made a list of my hopes and dreams for the next twelve months. It has been my...

The Secret to a Highly Productive Day


What side of the bed did you wake up on? Mornings are really important to me, so I guess you could say that even if I don’t wake up on the right side of the bed…I get there as soon as possible. I choose to start off the morning well because I have learned that it has a great impact...