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Online Good Friday Service: Seven Cries of the Cross


Good Friday is a tradition that has been celebrated for centuries by the Christian church. It is meant to be a day of remembrance about the crucifixion of Christ and His earthly death on the Friday before Easter Sunday. For hundreds of years, churches around the world gather in the afternoon or evening to reflect on the death of Christ...

If We Wait Long Enough, Will Change Just Go Away?


The church where I serve, Grace Chapel, has experienced a lot of changes over the last few years. Whether by policy changes, process changes or pastoral changes, we have had many things adjust around us. When these changes happen, they can be unsettling, worrisome and emotionally draining. There comes a point when we want change to stop, so we ask...

Who Has What Authority in the Church?


What is the relationship between congregational authority and the elders’ authority?   When it comes to authority in the church, we must remember that the ultimate goal is to provide discipleship that leads people to greater maturity in Christ. Ephesians 4:11–13 describe the roles and gifts of leadership in the church as being for the sake of “equip the saints...

Why I Switched All My Writing to Ulysses


I have been looking for a new way to write. I first learned to write on an old computer in the basement of the home I grew up in. Focusing on writing was easy because the tools were minimal. There was no need to learn what all the buttons did because there were not many buttons. Shortcuts and key cues...

4 Defining Moments in a Pastor’s Marriage


All marriages are marked by defining moments. Those moments where a realization, decision, or experience changes something fundamental in your life and marriage. Here are four defining moments common among pastors...

Write What You Read


I’ve been reading more than usual lately. This is most likely because my current sermon series is demanding a lot more of my time in the books. I’ve also read from a few other guys who talk about the importance of reading – such as C.J. Mahaney, Mark Driscoll and Michael Hyatt (to name a few). All this has...

The Secret to a Highly Productive Day


What side of the bed did you wake up on? Mornings are really important to me, so I guess you could say that even if I don’t wake up on the right side of the bed…I get there as soon as possible. I choose to start off the morning well because I have learned that it has a great impact...

5 Lessons Learned from Zack Eswine’s “The Imperfect Pastor”


The longer I have pastored, the more imperfect I feel. I recently read this book... and I loved it! When I first picked it up I said with a smile, "oh wow, this must be my biography". I know I am an imperfect pastor— I will be first in the line to point out my faults. However, for some reason unbeknown...

Tips and Templates for Performing a Wedding


One of the joys in my pastoral ministry has been to prepare people for marriage and then stand at the end of the isle with them as they make their vow for a life of love. Weddings are special. Each one is full of life-long memorable moments. Every wedding I have done has been as unique as the couple that...

This Could Be Your Greatest Year Yet


I've always considered a new year as a fresh start. A time to right what I did wrong and place something new where something needs to be replaced. For mosts of my adult years (if not also in my elementary ones) I've made a list of my hopes and dreams for the next twelve months. It has been my...

Protect your time because small interruptions have big consequences


One time a mentor casually asked me if I answered the phone on Tuesdays. It took me a moment to process his question but it soon registered; he was asking if I was willing to interrupt my study time for a simple phone call. He knew the Tuesdays were the main day that I used to study for my...

5 Essential Things to Consider When Planning Communion


Communion services are one of the most important services we have the opportunity to lead our churches in on a regular basis. Communion should never be something that becomes so routine that it loses it impact, it should also be something that is done regularly and with great intentionality. When planning a communion service, here are five things to keep...