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Six Ways to React to Unexpected Trials in Our Life [video blog]


Freak out... or have faith? Those seem to be the only two options for Christians when it comes to facing trials in our life, but what does that look like practically? In today's video blog I address six ways we can react to unexpected trials that come into our life. These principles are based on Mark 4:35-41 and Matthew 14:22-36. Watch...

Six Ways to Stop Thinking Fearful Thoughts


If you grew up in the ‘80s and ‘90s as I did, you’re familiar with the idea of mixtapes.  Mixtapes were a way of creating a compilation of music onto one source that played in any Walkman, car stereo, or boombox. To us back then, mixtapes are what playlists are to us today except with about 100 times the effort....

The Greatest Idol Crushing We Have Ever Seen 


The coronavirus pandemic feels like an Old Testament judgement of God on the Earth. In the past, God destroyed whole Nations and people groups. He promised after Noah to not wipe out the entire world again, but if we are honest, there are moments it appears like it is headed down that path. The longer this crisis goes on, the...

Understanding Why God Is Silent


CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? I just needed to get away. The stress of ministry life, family life, and just life seemed to be overwhelming to me. I described my life as a stereo turned up all the way and the volume control was broken off. I didn’t need to just turn down the noise--I needed to turn it...

10 Bible Verses to Support Your New Year’s Resolutions

bible verses for New Years resolutions

A New Year is seen as a fresh beginning, a time for resolutions and promises on habits and behaviors we’d like to incorporate into this new start. Here are 10 Scriptures to support and encourage you in your New Year’s New Beginning.   All verses from the ESV translation. Psalm 5:3 "O LORD, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare...

Let’s Abandon the Self-help Gospel


“I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) According to the Scientific American, elephants are truly amazing creatures because, although they have dismal eyesight, “they never forget a face.” They use their other senses to store memories...

Can I Complain to God?


“You clothed me with skin and flesh, and knit me together with bones and sinews. You have granted me life and steadfast love, and Your care has preserved my spirit.” Job 10:11–12 It’s amazing how my head can know one thing, yet my heart can feel totally different. It’s almost a case of spiritual insanity as I shift back and forth...

Trusting God When It Doesn’t Make Sense


Cancer is never fair, but it seems especially cruel when it strikes a child. Two-year-old David was taken by his mother Deborah to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston where they met with Dr. John Truman, a specialist in treating children with cancer and various blood diseases. Dr. Truman's leukemia prognosis was devastating: “David has a 50-50 chance of survival.” Countless...

Facing the Reality of Anxiety


“Am I crazy? Am I alone?”  My thumb hovered over the send button as my hands shook and my lips quivered. That night, I wanted to fire off some sort of white flag surrendering myself to the wisdom of a close friend. Typing each letter felt like its own feat. I wanted to know that I was not alone or...

App Review: Dwell — the best way to listen to Scripture!


We have more access to the Bible than any other generation in the history of the world. In Ancient times, Jewish students would study the Scriptures under a Rabbi. There was no pocket Bible, personal scroll, or Bible app to stick in their cloak. If they wanted to know the words of God as transcribed by Moses, David, or any...

A Hospital Named Grace


When arriving at a hospital, there is a clear distinction between who is there to provide care and who is in need of care. The wounded are usually lying down, wearing odd hospital gowns, and tethered to some kind of pole for monitoring their vital signs or for IV fluids. Pretend for a second that you entered a hospital named...

Keep Going Even When Your World is Crashing


  Life: It has a way of stepping on itself.  When we are busy doing good and godly things the evil intentions of our seen and unseen enemies will get in the way. I often wish I could stop the world and just face the issues in front of me, but life doesn't work that way. Most often we have to keep...